
Looking for a loan?

For people. Not profit.

For members who are eligible to borrow, it usually makes more sense to take out a loan rather than withdraw their savings.

Ordinary Loan

Ordinary Loan

Borrow from £50 to £30,000 (maximum £15,000 above shares)
  • Many financial institutions do not offer loans under £1000, so come to us for the amount you want to borrow
  • If you've had trouble in the past that doesn't necessarily stop you getting a loan
  • Subject to affordability & share balance
  • More competitive interest rates than a payday loan or doorstep lender
  • Repayments to suit you - weekly, fortnightly, 4-weekly or monthly
  • No application fees or early repayment charges
Special Promotional Loan

Special Promotional Loan

Borrow from £7,000 to £30,000 (Maximum £15,000 above Shares)
  • Subject to Credit Score & affordability
  • Interest rate is fixed and your repayments won't vary
  • More competitive interest rates than a payday loan or doorstep lender
  • Repayments to suit you - weekly, fortnightly, 4-weekly or monthly
  • No application fees or early repayment charges

Larger Loan

Borrow from £7,000 to £50,000 regardless of size of shares
  • Subject to Credit Score & affordability
  • Interest rate is fixed and your repayments won't vary
  • More competitive interest rates than a payday loan or doorstep lender
  • Repayments to suit you - weekly, fortnightly, 4-weekly or monthly and up to 10-year term
  • No application fees or early repayment charges
  • Will be referred to Credit Committee

Loan Calculator

We want to help you manage your money in the best way. You can choose to pay off your loan by making variable or Fixed payments. These options will be explained to you by our staff as part of the application process.

This calculator is for illustrative purposes only to give you an overview of the potential cost of borrowing from us (it is based on the Fixed Repayment option). Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote, and actual repayments will vary depending on the option you choose.

Maximum Loan Amount :
Maximum Loan Term :



Repayment Frequency
# Repayments
# Repayments
# Repayments
# Repayments
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Applying for a Loan

Loans are granted to members ’of good character’ who can meet the loan repayments. Loans must also be for ’productive, provident purposes’ -- a fancy way of saying that the loan must enhance the quality of your life.

What are good reasons to apply for a loan?

Just about anything that enhances the quality of your life is a good reason to apply for a loan. Examples are:

  • a downpayment on a house
  • a new or second-hand car
  • school uniforms and other educational expenses
  • wedding expenses -- for the bride, groom and parents
  • a holiday and holiday spending money!
Who is eligible to borrow
  • Members who have established or are in the process of establishing their ’good character’ (i.e. their savings and loan history) with us,
  • Members who can afford to repay the loan, and
  • Members who have savings to pledge against their loan
  • Good character: Your character is your primary collateral. We define character as a member’s savings and loan history with us. The establishment of a good savings and loan history will be a benefit to you.

Pledged savings: Whilst your character is your primary collateral, we also ask that you pledge your shares that are equal to or less than your new loan balance against your new loan. Pledged savings may not ordinarily be withdrawn.

Loan interview: We are a responsible lender who likes to establish that each member can afford to repay the new loan they are agreeing to. As such, we conduct a short loan interview with each new loan application to make sure you can afford your new loan and that you will not become over-indebted.

Documentation: We require the following documentation to fully assess your eligibility for a loan. A form of photographic identification and 2 months most recent bank statements. If you have more than one bank account we will require 2 months statements for all accounts.

Waiting period: Members normally wait 1 day to find out if their application has been successful. This depends on the satisfactory receipt of all documentation. Some loans will be referred to the Credit Committee (see below), but this should not delay the decision.

When an application goes to Credit Committee

The Credit committee considers a certain number of loan applications. The Credit committee meets weekly

Reasons why some applications go to credit committee include:
  • when the member’s loan to share balance will go higher than at any previous time;
  • when the member has been in arrears or is borrowing frequently
  • when the member is not saving regularly

Reasons why some loan applications are unsuccessful include:

  • when the member is in arrears or has a poor savings history with us;
  • when the member cannot afford the loan;
  • when the member is borrowing frequently or for necessities that he/she should be able to pay for without credit; or
  • when the shares to loan difference is going too high.
  • Sometimes the credit committee will recommend a member postpone an expensive purchase until his/her loan balance reduces. Other times, the credit committee will agree to the loan only if the member increases their savings or they have to meet the credit committee to discuss their current position.

Members are encouraged and expected to borrow within their means. Any member experiencing difficulty in repaying his/her loan is urged to contact the credit union to discuss their difficulties.

Repaying and Saving

Members are encouraged and expected to save (no matter how little) while repaying their loans.

Maximum Loan

The maximum loan limit is £50,000.

Low Interest Rate Loans

Interest charges on loans in SAG Credit Union is never more than 1% per month on the reducing loan balance. This interest rate, expressed in terms of annual percentage rate (APR), is just under 12.68%. Some commercial lending institutions may charge from 20% to 100% or even more.

The rate of interest in SAG’s Credit Union has remained unchanged since its formation, no matter how often the bank rates and other financial institutions’ charges have fluctuated.

There are no charges whatsoever for operating your account in SAG Credit Union.

Credit Control

The first week/month you miss a loan repayment, your account falls into arrears. If it remains in arrears for three weeks or more, our Credit Control Department will contact you. If you find yourself in financial difficulty and unable to meet your credit union loan repayments, you should contact us to make an appointment to discuss your account with the credit control officer.

SAG Credit Union Limited understands that members can find themselves in financial difficulties, but we can help you to resolve your issues. No matter what the reason, if you have:

  • lost your job,
  • become separated,
  • are on a low income,
  • fallen behind in loan repayments,
  • suffered a bereavement, or
  • find yourself over-indebted

...and find it difficult to make ends meet, contact the office to make an appointment to speak to one of the staff from the Credit Control section. The earlier you address the issue the quicker the matter can be resolved. Our credit control staff will:

  • meet with you in private to discuss your overall situation,
  • help you to write a realistic budget, if you wish,
  • agree a temporary arrangement until you have overcome your issue.


  • Don’t panic;
  • Do not ignore the problem -- it will not go away;
  • Take immediate action; and
  • Contact our Credit Control department today to arrange an appointment and start the process of getting back on your feet!

Why choose a Credit Union Loan?

  • Your savings remain intact which means you keep the entire insurance element already added to them under the Credit Union Life Savings Insurance and your potential to borrow in the future remains good.
  • By taking a loan you are committed to repay on a regular basis.
  • While repaying your loan, you can add to your savings.
  • Your loan balance is insured with Loan Protection Insurance. This means that in the event of your death, your loan balance is cleared -- subject to policy conditions. Loan balances are not insured after age 85.
  • You may be eligible for an interest rate rebate each year when our membership votes for one at its Annual General Meeting.
  • There are no arrangement fees or penalties for large lump sum repayments or early repayment.
  • You can arrange to make your loan repayments and lodge your savings through a Direct Debit.
  • You can apply on-line or visit our offices
  • We charge an interest rate of 1% or 0.5 % (depending on the type of loan) per month on the reducing loan balance -- as you repay your loan, you pay less and less interest each week or month.